Salt & Pepper Parmesan Snap Peas


You know what I love the most about snap peas? They are EASY! Seriously, one of the easiest and low-maintenance vegetables. You are to steam, saute or bake them for no longer than 10-15 minutes (depending on the method) and they lend themselves so nicely to a variety of flavors. Now, I love combo of salt and pepper.  I love it on my chips, my pretzels, my popcorn and now I love it on my snap peas. I had this idea based on our family’s new favorite snack- Snapea Crisps. My favorite variety is the Black Pepper Flavor. Seeing as how I am not and probably never will be in the mood to create my own SnapPea Crisps, I thought I would just re-create that flavor but with a roasted version. The recipe is all about Parmesan, salt and pepper! It has a kick, it has a ton of flavor and it is just different enough to make me swoon time and time again.


Now I did not call this salt and pepper snap peas because I sprinkled a dash of S&P over the peas. I call it Salt and Pepper Parmesan Snap Peas because of my method. I mixed together softened butter with Parmesan cheese and then mixed in freshly cracked black pepper (a lot of it) and freshly ground sea salt. I then used half of that mixture to season my pecans (that will top the peas) before roasting them in the oven. The other half I used to  coat my peas before roasting them. You see it’s not the most fanciest dish or clever dish but it is an easy dish with things I already had on hand that PACKS a butt load of flavor and in my book I call that a winner! Try this SUPER SIMPLE vegetable dish and you won’t be disappointed.


Salt & Pepper Parmesan Snap Peas
  • 1½ lbs. sugar snap peas, washed
  • 6 TBSP softened butter
  • ½ cup parmesan cheese, grated
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tsp freshly cracked black pepper
  • 1 cup pecan pieces
  1. Mix together the butter with the salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese. Use half and toss with the pecans. Roast the pecans at 350 for 10 minutes. Set aside. Coat the snap peas with the remaining butter mixture. Bake at 400 for 12-14 minutes. Remove and toss with the pecans. Serve warm


  1. Shellie

    YUM! I’m trying these!

  2. Angie@Angie's Recipes

    So flavourful and delicious!

  3. Karen (Back Road Journal)

    A simple dish that has to be full of flavor.

  4. Barbara @ Barbara Bakes

    A perfect side dish for summer.

  5. Peter

    hi Jessica you have a great tasty recipe called Cauliflower cornmeal pizza crust that I want to make but I have a question. Is the parmesan and Monterrey Jack cheeses part of the crust, or are they toppings? If you can explain me thank you and I had to write you my comment through this page .

  6. Eva Taylor

    That combo does indeed look and sound absolutely delicious. Colours are beautiful too.

  7. The Surprised Gourmet

    Simple dishes sometimes are the best. This sounds tasty and healthy.

  8. Peter

    hi Jessica you have a great tasty recipe called Cauliflower cornmeal pizza crust that I want to make but I have a question. Is the parmesan and Monterrey Jack cheeses part of the crust, or are they toppings? If you can explain me thank you and I had to write you my comment through this page s

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